Thursday, June 7, 2012

7 June - I Dreamt of Ten of Wands

I fell into a deep sleep and dreamt of Ten of Wands from Morgan Greer Tarot....

It was unusually bright and vivid in my dream, as everyone in Morgan Greer Tarot seemed to receive an extra boost of colours.  However, it wasn't a very happy sight to see a strong young chap struggling with 10 heavy looking logs that looked like they were freshly chopped from young trees, with green leaves still attached to the logs.  The young chap was fully clothed and I think the weather must be quite chilling despite it being Spring.  I know I won't be wearing long sleeves if I'm cutting woods because I would be perspiring like crazy, unless the air is still cold.  I followed the young chap for awhile and he didn't notice me.  He was walking as fast as he could, while hugging the ten logs, looking determined but a little sad and tired.  I guess he must be feeling the weight of the logs and wishing someone was there to share his burden.

The blond-hair chap looked determined to complete his journey even though he was tired.  He took occasional breaks and rested for a few seconds before hugging his logs again and making his way through the forest.  I felt that he must be thinking about his other responsibilities while he was carrying the logs.  He looked like a hardworking guy and those ten logs shouldn't have caused him to look concern and worried.  I wonder what else was unseen and invisible on his shoulders? The burden and responsibilities of his family?

I can relate to this chap because I often feel that I have a heavy burden, being the eldest in the family and both parents are blue-collared workers who do not earn much and are too busy making enough for the family on a daily basis to have any savings for retirement.  I could almost feel the heavy load of the chap in front of me as I think of all the responsibilities that I have, as both parents are getting old and retiring, while I still have a young boy to care for as a single parent.

Being rebellious of the Asian mindset of working hard (which I do think is important), working smart seems to be the wiser way.  I've always use the analogy of the oxen in the fields who are very hardworking but are ultimately slaughtered by the owners, especially when newer and more efficient machines are made available.  If only the oxen are smart enough and find alternatives to plowing the ground, instead of using only their body weight and strength, they could have avoided being slaughtered.  I guess it's like the pig in Charlotte's Web.  He refused to believe that he's only good for being a roasted pig on the dining table and kept finding ways to prove that he's smart and worth keeping by his owner.

Did the young chap with the 10 logs thought about using a more effective and productive way of carrying the logs?  It's hard to imagine someone using pure force to move things when there are so many equipment and tools that will lighten the load and make the transporting of the logs easier and faster. 

I quicken my pace to tell the young chap that he should get a cart to pull the logs or even use mules, horses or the oxen to pull the cart.  However, the young chap stopped when I tapped him on the shoulder and simply smiled at me after listening to what I had to say and continued his journey!  He's a pretty stubborn guy!  It's a pity.  I do hope that he will grow smarter and be more open to suggestions to improve his life.  

I wanted to tell him more when I was woken up from my dream by my boy's morning hug and kisses.  My boy's wet kisses on my cheek was really effective in getting me to open my eyes. I smiled at his angelic face and tried to tickle and return him a big hug.

I do hope that I will always remember that when I'm like the young chap with 10 logs to carry in life, I should always find alternatives to make work easier and life better.

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